What is Biocoal?

Biocoal is a new carbon neutral solid biofuel made from organic waste.

Antaco’s biocoal has properties similar to fossil coal and can be used as a direct replacement for coal or wood pellets.

It can provide a similar amount of energy as low grade fossil coal and 30% – 80% more energy than wood pellets.

It burns cleaner than fossil coal.

And importantly, it is carbon neutral, therefore a source of renewable energy.

“Biocoal offers Solutions for Mankind”

“The Promise of Green Coal” – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

The Untapped Resource

It is estimated that in the EU, food waste, garden waste, coffee grains and brewers grain alone amount to 130+ million tonnes of organic waste available annually for conversion into biofuel. The volume represents a potential saving of approximately 80 millions tonnes of CO2 per year by converting the 130m tonnes into biocoal and using this to replace fossil coal for energy generation. Antaco’s technology can utilise all biowaste.


Million Tonnes of Potential Conversion


Million Tonnes of Potential CO2 Savings


Percent Carbon Efficiency

Example used: EU (select organic waste types)

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Advantages of Biocoal

Biocoal has numerous advantages over existing biofuels on the market.

Heat value

23 MJ/kg (similar to fossil coal)

Highest feedstock flexibility

All wet and dry feedstocks


Low cost, low tech


Lowest CO2 emissions


Clean water


Affordable, compact, robust and low energy


Transportable and importable

Easy to work with

Water resistant, easy to store and transport

Learn More About How We Make Biocoal

Biocoal is made from all types of organic wastes which represent an abundantly available resource. We have developed and patented a revolutionary process that turns organic waste into a high-heat value superior biofuel.

“Compared to the conversion of biomass to (liquid) biofuels, the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions is at least ten times larger”

Hartmut Michel – Chemistry Nobel Laureate and photosynthesis expert